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ICYMI: Rubio: Mexico’s Oil Giant Risks U.S. Sanctions by Selling to Cuban Regime

Oct 27, 2023 | Press Releases

Mexico’s Oil Giant Risks Sanctions by Selling to Cuba

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)

October 27, 2023


This summer, Reuters analysts observing shipping data discovered that Mexico had suddenly “surpassed Russia as a key provider of oil to the fuel-thirsty island”…. President Obrador has admitted that the shipments are transactional in nature….

“The people of Cuba,” [Obrador] claims, “are suffering from an inhumane and unjust blockade.” This is communist propaganda, plain and simple. The people of Cuba are actually suffering from six decades of illegitimate rule by an inhumane and unjust regime, whose brutal grip on power will only be strengthened by Mexican oil.

Remember that U.S. sanctions on that regime and its state-owned enterprises do not apply to independent businesses and allow for humanitarian shipments of food, fuel, and medicine to reach the Cuban people…. Moreover, Cuba annually trades in the billions of dollars with Venezuela, China, Russia, Spain, Germany, and other countries.

In short, the reason for Cuba’s years-long fuel shortage is that its greatest oil providers have turned off the tap of their own accord…. [T]he United States is not involved.

We should keep it that way…. Consider the fact that Mexican state-run oil company, Pemex, uses loans from the official U.S. Export and Import Bank (EXIM) to finance many of its international operations. EXIM claims to be uninvolved in Mexico’s sale of oil to Cuba. But if EXIM or some other U.S. entity were involved, Mexico would be on the wrong side of U.S. law.

I urge President Joe Biden to make clear to President Obrador that the United States will not support an anti-American, communist dictatorship at its doorstep. Moreover, I urge him to communicate that any attempt by Mexico to circumvent U.S. policy will be met with targeted sanctions on the sectors responsible….

Read the rest here.