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ICYMI: Rubio: “We Are Worse Off Today Than We Were In January Of 2009”

Jan 25, 2012 | Press Releases

Rubio: “The first is that it’s important to remember that the President has been president for three years. Two of those three years, his party, the Democratic party controlled the House and the Senate. He could have had anything he wanted and he got it. He got ObamaCare. He got the stimulus package. He got the Wall Street regulations. And where are we today? We are worse off today than we were in January of 2009.”

Interview with Fox and Friends
Senator Marco Rubio
January 25, 2012

Rubio: “Well, let me say a two things. The first is that it’s important to remember that the President been president for three years. Two of those three years, his party, the Democratic party controlled the House and the Senate. He could have had anything he wanted and he got it. He got ObamaCare. He got the stimulus package. He got the Wall Street regulations. And where are we today? We are worse off today than we were in January of 2009. Two of the last three years his party controlled it, so he can’t blame it on Congress unless he’s blaming it on his own party. … Let me just touch on the tax issue briefly because you asked about that. The tax issue is an important one. I have never seen a president pit Americans against each other like this President does.”


Interview with Fox’s Sean Hannity
Senator Marco Rubio
January 24, 2012

Rubio: “Here is the fundamental fact: we’re now three years into his presidency. There is still no plan to save Social Security. There’s still no plan to save Medicare. There’s still no serious plan to reduce the national debt. And none of these things have been addressed. And there is no plans to incentivize job creators. …

“This President has had three years of his presidency. This is not some guy that just took over. He’s been in charge for three years. Two of those three years, he could have had anything he wanted from Congress. His party controlled the House and the Senate. And what we got was a health care bill, ObamaCare, that’s killing jobs. What we got is he appointed a debt commission and then he ignored them. What we got is failure. And now we’re all paying the price for that.”