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Rubio: “President Biden is leading us into a more dangerous world”

Jan 16, 2024 | Comunicados de prensa, Press Releases

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released a statement following attacks by the Iranian regime and its proxies against American service members and national security interests.

  • “President Biden is leading us into a more dangerous world. Removing the Houthis from the list of state sponsors of terrorism in 2021, lifting sanctions on Iran, weak and ineffective responses to Iranian proxy attacks against U.S. troops in Iraq, and allowing attacks on our warships and commercial vessels without a response have directly created a volatile and dangerous situation. As a result, the regime in Tehran is more emboldened to continue to attack American citizens and service members as well as to threaten American interests in the region.

  • “The Biden Administration must immediately reverse course on its weak, indecisive, and incompetent Middle East policies. It must do more to protect Americans, including cutting off resources from the Houthis, and other Iranian proxies, so they are unable to threaten American lives and the global economy. Meanwhile, Congress should swiftly pass my bipartisan MAHSA Act and SHIP Act. We must also reimpose Trump-era maximum pressure sanctions against the Iranian regime, its proxies, and international enablers. Finally, we should fully support Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Kurds, and other allies and partners who confront Iranian proxies across the Middle East daily.”