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Rubio Predicts “Immense Consequences” If Xi Jinping Cements Control of CCP

Oct 14, 2022 | Press Releases

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released a statement in advance of the 20th Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Congress, which begins on Sunday, October 16.

  • “Xi Jinping’s tenure as the General Secretary of the CCP has been characterized by totalitarianism, genocide, slowed economic growth, and unprecedented aggression against the United States and its allies. If he succeeds in his bid for absolute control and achieves a third term, it should shred any remaining expectations of a ‘responsible power’ in the Indo-Pacific. Rather, we should expect a one man-ruled CCP to be more willing to wage war over Taiwan, more repressive at home and abroad, more dominating of business, and more insistent on overturning the U.S.-led rules-based world order.
  • “This would have immense consequences for Americans, our allies, and our partners. We must treat the threat of Xi with the utmost seriousness, and deterring him must be our top international priority.” – Senator Rubio