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ICYMI: Rubio: Tough Questions on Egypt Aid

Mar 7, 2013 | Press Releases

Tough Questions on Egypt Aid
By Senator Marco Rubio
National Review
March 6, 2013

The United States has long been a beneficent nation. U.S. aid programs fight HIV/AIDS in Africa, help alleviate poverty, and assist efforts to build civil society and promote good governance in transitional countries. U.S. assistance has helped pull millions of people out of poverty; by improving institutions and capabilities of countries that otherwise might be breeding grounds for instability, these programs have helped keep Americans safe.

This is an important point that some in Washington often forget — we don’t provide foreign assistance solely out of the goodness of our heart, we do so because it furthers our national interest.

That is why Secretary Kerry’s announcement of $250 million in aid to Egypt on Sunday was so unfortunate. We have significant interests in ensuring that Egypt remains at peace with Israel, and that the Morsi government does not undermine the democratic process and the human and political rights of all Egyptians, including religious minorities and women. That does not mean, however, that we should just continue to dole out aid to Egypt, whether it be economic or security assistance.

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