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ICYMI: Senator Rubio talks about immigration reform and his faith with EWTN

Jun 10, 2013 | Press Releases

Excerpt of Interview on EWTN’s “The World Over with Raymond Arroyo”
Senator Marco Rubio
June 7, 2013
Full Interview:

Senator Marco Rubio: “As a policy maker, I have an obligation to the United States of America as well to ensure that it’s safe and secure. And so what I’m saying is, let’s do both. Let’s provide certainty for these folks so they can get legalized and begin to work and let’s not condition that on anything but them having to pass a background check – we all agree we don’t want dangerous criminals here – they have to pay a fine because there has to be consequences for wrong-doing, and they have to get in line behind the people who have done it the right way because we don’t want to punish those who have done it the right way. But they will get their legal status. They’re going to get to work, they’re going to get to travel, they will no longer be illegally here, and they’re going to have certainty. On the border side however, we have a national security obligation to this country to ensure that we secure our borders for our own sovereignty, for our own security, and to ensure that there isn’t another wave of illegal immigration in the future. And I think we can balance and achieve both of these things, and I think that the final product is something that the bishops will be able to support.”

Raymond Arroyo: “How much of this is rooted, Marco, in conviction and in your faith, your advocacy on this immigration reform?”

Rubio: “Let me tell you, it is all rooted to some respect in my faith, and also in my personal knowledge of this issue.”

Rubio: “When you ask about my faith, look my faith tells me that God has a plan for all of us and our job is to cooperate with that plan, to have faith, to do what we believe our conscience tells us is right, and let the chips fall where they may. So at the end of the day, what’s going to happen here is God’s will, that’s always going to happen. And the question is whether we cooperate that in the spirit of faith or do we want to go off with our plan and charter our own course and our own life. You know, that’s not just the story with immigration reform, that’s the story of our life. That’s truly the purpose of our life is to be the best version of ourselves that we can be, to be who God created us to be. And that requires us to have faith that if you do the right thing, God’s plan is going to work out.”