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English/Español: Rubio, Durbin, Cardin, Kaine Condemn Arrest of Interim President Juan Guaido’s Chief of Staff

Mar 22, 2019 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Ben Cardin (D-MD), and Tim Kaine (D-VA) today called for the immediate and unconditional release of Roberto Marrero, chief of staff to Interim President of Venezuela Juan Guaidó’s. Marrero was abducted by Venezuelan secret police early morning in a desperate attempt by criminal elements of the outgoing regime to intimidate members of the internationally recognized government. The inflammatory move came as Venezuelans are enduring even greater human suffering, including staggering rates of malnutrition and disease, while discredited Maduro cronies continue to line their pockets with stolen public assets.  

“Today’s desperate and despicable action by Maduro’s SEBIN forces against a member of President Guaidó’s inner circle is a significant escalation of repression,” Rubio said.  “Maduro’s decision to arbitrarily detain Roberto Marrero and stage fake evidence against him is a clear indication that Maduro is testing the international community’s resolve as Maduro attempts to hold his illegitimate grip on power.  Those responsible must be held accountable.”

“My staff has been in contact with President Guiadó who said Marrero remains unjustly imprisoned. This is a dangerous escalation by Maduro and his thugs, which must be immediately reversed.  With so many Venezuelans going hungry and fleeing for their lives, the real criminals are the Maduro cabal and their Cuban puppeteers,” said Durbin.

“I strongly condemn the abduction of Roberto Marrero, the latest Maduro attack on democracy and human rights in Venezuela.  I stand with Interim President Guiadó in calling for his immediate release, along with the other political prisoners unjustly detained by SEBIN,” Cardin said. “The international community stands ready to provide the Venezuelan people with the humanitarian assistance they so desperately need, but Maduro continues to show the world that he is more interested in attempting to cling to his own power and wealth.”

“Maduro’s kidnapping and imprisonment of President Guiadó’s chief of staff is an unacceptable escalatory step and the international community remains united against his continued tyrannical rule. The United States stands with the Venezuelan people and demands the immediate release of Robert Marrero,” said Kaine.


Washington, DC – Los senadores estadounidenses Marco Rubio (R-FL), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Ben Cardin (D-MD) y Tim Kaine (D-VA) hoy pidieron la liberación inmediata e incondicional de Roberto Marrero, Jefe de Gabinete del Presidente Interino de Venezuela Juan Guaidó. Marrero fue secuestrado hoy en la mañana por la policía secreta venezolana en un intento desesperado por parte de elementos criminales del régimen saliente para intimidar a miembros del gobierno internacionalmente reconocido. El acto inflamatorio se produce cuando los venezolanos sufren una grave crisis humanitaria, aumentos en las tasas de malnutrición y mientras que los secuaces de Maduro continúan enriqueciéndose ilegalmente con activos públicos.

“La acción desesperada y despreciable de hoy de las fuerzas del SEBIN de Maduro contra un miembro del círculo del presidente Guaidó es una intensificación de la represión”, Rubio dijo. “La decisión de Maduro de detener arbitrariamente a Roberto Marrero y presentar evidencias falsas en su contra es una clara indicación de que Maduro está poniendo a prueba el pulso de la comunidad internacional, mientras intenta apegarse a su poder ilegítimo. Los responsables de este secuestro tienen que rendir cuentas “.