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Rubio: Castro Regime’s Repression Cannot Go Ignored

Jun 13, 2014 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today issued the following statement regarding the latest wave of repression by the Castro regime:

“This administration has kept trying to loosen sanctions against the Castro dictatorship, even though all the regime in Havana keeps doing is repress and abuse innocent Cubans who express their desire for liberty and democracy.

“The Castro regime’s repressive apparatus is in full swing as it spent this week beating and detaining dissidents without cause. Activists like ‘Antúnez,’ his wife Yris Pérez Aguilera, Berta Soler and her husband Angel Moya have been detained and harassed. Independent journalist Roberto de Jesús Guerra was violently assaulted and reportedly suffered a broken nose and torn ligaments. 

“The Castro regime’s repression cannot go ignored. The Obama Administration should reconsider any policy attempts that ultimately enrich and empower the regime to continue repressing innocent Cubans like this.

“Let this latest wave of harassment and brutality by the Castro brothers serve as a reminder to those who call for more engagement as a way to bring change to Cuba. The only change that would bring is further entrenching the regime in power by giving them more money to carry out their violent repression of people’s fundamental rights and dignity.”