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Rubio, Smith Introduce Legislation to Formulate U.S Response to a Potential Taiwan Invasion

Dec 15, 2022 | Press Releases

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to prepare for a potential invasion of Taiwan, which would inflict devastating consequences on the United States. However, the U.S. has yet to formulate a clear strategy to protect our economy and inflict maximum harm on the CCP in the event of such an invasion. 
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and U.S. Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ) introduced the Taiwan Protection and National Resilience Act. The bill would require the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), the Department of the Commerce, the Department of State, and other federal agencies to report to Congress on the United States’ options to both prepare for and respond to a CCP invasion of Taiwan, including opportunities to sanction the CCP and preempt Beijing’s retaliatory measures.  

  • “The threat of a Taiwan invasion seems increasingly likely, and preparing a U.S. response should be a top priority for our defense and intelligence officials. We need to know every tool that is at our disposal in order to defend against the Chinese Communist Party and prevent U.S. vulnerabilities. We cannot turn a blind eye to this pressing geopolitical threat.” — Senator Rubio


  • “Taiwan is a bastion of freedom and democracy, standing as a stark counterexample to Xi Jinping’s communist tyranny on the mainland. We must plan today for tomorrow’s contingencies, including the possibility that Xi Jinping would attempt an invasion of Taiwan. This bill calls for strategies to counter any such gambit and to squeeze Communist China’s ability to conduct military operations against the free people of Taiwan.” — Representative Smith

Background. The bill would require the DoD, in collaboration with the Intelligence Community and the Departments of Treasury, Commerce, and Homeland Security, to outline an effective sanctions strategy against the People’s Republic of China in the event of a Taiwan invasion. The strategy would also examine the effect of an invasion on the United States and identify the steps necessary to preemptively shore up potential national vulnerabilities, including by making recommendations to strengthen economic resilience.