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Sen. Rubio: Democrats Are Simply Not Serious About Dealing With Debt

Mar 15, 2011 | Blog

“[T]heir affinity and reliance on government is so deep – it’s a part of their political machinery, it’s a part of their political ideology – that they can’t fathom a day and time when the government’s going to have to readjust to the reality that we cannot continue to spend money we do not have.”

Sen. Rubio: Democrats Are Simply Not Serious About Dealing With Debt

Trey Radel: “And Senator Rubio, you bring up something, that just strikes me and I wanted to address, which is that Democrats, who last year controlled the House, Senate and White House, again, they didn’t even pass a budget. They just kicked the can down the road.”

Sen. Rubio: “Well not only did they not pass a budget, the President has submitted a budget that grows the debt. I mean, that’s the other thing, with no end in sight. The President has submitted a budget that, even with massive tax increases, grows the debt with no end in sight. These guys are simply not serious about dealing with this because their affinity and reliance on government is so deep – it’s a part of their political machinery, it’s a part of their political ideology – that they can’t fathom a day and time when the government’s going to have to readjust to the reality that we cannot continue to spend money we do not have. It’s as simple as that. You cannot continue to spend money you don’t have and hope to survive.”