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ICYMI: Rubio: Colombian Peace Deal Can’t Lead To U.S. Releasing FARC Terrorists

Jun 27, 2016 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – In an interview with Univision Miami that aired yesterday, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) discussed the Colombia peace agreement and reiterated his opposition to releasing the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) terrorists from U.S. prisons, most notably “Simon Trinidad”.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio
Univision’s Al Punto Florida Interview With Ambrosio Hernandez
June 26, 2016


Ambrosio Hernandez: A historic bilateral deal has just been signed between the government of Juan Manuel Santos and the left-wing guerillas of the FARC. What’s your opinion?

Senator Marco Rubio: That’s up to the people of Colombia. It’s a sovereign nation, and I’m not going to interfere in the affairs of a sovereign nation. What I can say is that as part of the negotiation, the United States cannot be asked to free, for example, Simon Trinidad, a FARC terrorist who’s in prison in the United States and was sentenced by our courts. That cannot be part of any change.


Ambrosio Hernandez: Se acaba de firmar un acuerdo bilateral histórico entre el gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos y la guerrilla izquierdista de las FARC. ¿Cómo lo ve usted?

Senador Marco Rubio: Eso le corresponde al pueblo de Colombia. Es un país soberano, y yo no voy a interferir en los asuntos de un país soberano. Lo que si te puedo decir es que como parte de esa negociación no se le puede pedir a los Estados Unidos que ponga en libertad, por ejemplo, a Simon Trinidad, a un terrorista del FARC que está encarcelado en Estados Unidos y condenado por nuestras cortes. Eso no puede ser parte de ningún cambio.

Watch this portion of the interview here.