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Senator Marco Rubio Commemorates Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Jan 26, 2011 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio today issued the following statement in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:

“Today, I join all Floridians in commemorating the life and legacy of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I recently took my children to visit the
Lincoln Memorial in Washington, where Dr. King delivered his timeless ‘I
Have A Dream’ speech and took an important step to help America live up
to our founding ideals and our destiny as the freest society in all of
human history. As we stood next to the plaque marking the spot where Dr.
King spoke, I thought of how his words have echoed far beyond those
steps and far beyond that day, as his example continues to inspire
people in all corners of the world, including Oscar Elias Biscet in Cuba
and Liu Xiaobo in China, among others.

“In remembering Dr. King today, we are reminded that our work as a
nation continues in order to ensure that all Americans have the freedom
and opportunity to stake their claim to the American dream. In addition
to recognizing the human dignity of every individual and safeguarding
the free enterprise system that gives people a chance to rise above the
circumstances of their birth, we must continue making strides to tear
down the obstacles to progress that persist in our education system.”