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Rubio Comments On Runoff In Afghanistan Presidential Election

May 15, 2014 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today issued the following statement regarding the runoff in Afghanistan’s 2014 presidential election:

“I congratulate Afghanistan on the certification of first-round voting in the 2014 presidential election. Americans have sacrificed alongside Afghans for many years in order to witness important milestones such as this. I pray that Afghanistan will continue down a path that bolsters democracy, human rights and security for its people.

“I hope that the second round of voting on June 14th will take place in an environment that is both free and fair and that the results enable the Afghan people to move toward a more prosperous future. Given allegations of voter fraud and manipulation in the first round, it will be important to satisfy the high standards of honesty and transparency that are so important to the Afghan people and all who want to see Afghanistan succeed. 

“The United States has much at stake in Afghanistan’s future, and credible democratic progress through a free and fair conclusion to this election will go a long way to ensuring that the U.S.-Afghan partnership remains strong in the months and years to come.”