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Rubio, Booker Introduce Resolution Supporting Continued U.S. Leadership in Expanding Global Access to Quality Education

May 28, 2021 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Cory Booker (D-NJ), both members of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, introduced a resolution supporting U.S. efforts through the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) to improve access to quality education for the poorest and most marginalized children and youth worldwide. 
The bipartisan resolution reaffirms U.S. leadership and commitment to increasing access to quality education for children worldwide, supports the mission of the Global Partnership for Education, recognizes that U.S. investments in basic education are complemented by GPE’s efforts, and encourages increased commitments by the U.S. and other donors to ensure children throughout the world attend school and gain the education and skills they need to succeed.
The Global Partnership for Education (GPE), established in 2002, is a multi-stakeholder partnership and funding platform that helps to strengthen education systems in developing countries to increase the number of children who are in school and learning. The GPE brings together developing countries, donors, international organizations, civil society, teacher organizations, the private sector, and foundations. The United States has contributed more than $198 million dollars to the GPE since joining.
Specifically, the Resolution would do the following:

  • Affirm the leadership of the U.S. to improve access to quality education for the poorest children and adolescents in the world
  • Support the goals of GPE 2025 to mobilize partnerships and investments that transform education systems in developing countries
  • Recognize that the U.S. participates in bilateral funding and through the GPE
  • Call on the U.S. to engage in multi-year pledges to the GPE
  • Call on the Secretary of State and USAID Administrator to commit to promoting children and adolescents attending school