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ICYMI: Rubio on Illegal Migrants Tied to ISIS

According to reports, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has identified more than 400 illegal migrants who came across U.S. borders as part of an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network.  U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) has been warning about this...

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What Florida Can Expect to See from the Budget Deal

Feb 9, 2018 | Blog

Department of Agriculture

  • $2.36 billion for crop disasters as a result of hurricanes and wildfires in 2017 to remain available through 2019
  • $22 million to repair damages to Agricultural Research Service (ARS) facilities, including four in Florida: Canal Point, Miami, Fort Pierce, and Ft. Lauderdale
  • $165.475 million to repair drinking water systems and sewer and solid waste disposal systems affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria in small rural communities
  • $24 million to provide an additional 35 million pounds of food for food banks in states affected by hurricanes and wildfires
  • $14 million for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) to help repair and replace equipment in WIC clinics in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
  • $7.5 million for State and Private Forestry. The Forest Service will use these funds to support damage assessments, technical assistance, and invasive species assessment and mitigation work on State and private lands

Army Corps of Engineers

  • $15.055 billion for project construction, including expedited completion of Herbert Hoover Dike at full federal cost, and complete restoration of hurricane-impacted federal beach renourishment projects in Florida
  • $135 million for project investigations, including Senator Rubio’s South Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study at full federal cost
  • $608 million for project Operations & Maintenance, including repairs to Everglades restoration project infrastructure
  • $810 million for Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies needs, including in Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Includes general reporting provisions that requires the Corps of Engineers to provide monthly damage estimates and progress assessments to Congress

Department of Energy

  • $13 million for activities related to the consequences of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, including technical assistance related to electric grids

U.S. Coast Guard

  • $112.1 million to provide for the costs of Coast Guard personnel responding to Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria
  • $718.9 million to repair and strengthen facilities and assets damaged by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria, and Matthew

Department of the Interior

  • $207.6 million for National Park Service Construction to rebuild and repair facilities and other critical agency infrastructure, including for new facilities at Everglades National Park

Environmental Protection Agency

  • $6.2 million for the Superfund program to help repair damage sustained to remedies at Superfund sites, including removal of damaged tanks and containers and repair of groundwater monitoring wells, aeration towers, and fencing
  • Provides Puerto Rico access to previously appropriated State Revolving Fund money to help rebuild the island’s clean water and drinking water systems

Department of Commerce

  • $18 million for marine debris removal – important for Florida’s waterways and coastal waters, which are still plagued by safety hazards
  • $600 million for the Economic Development Administration to provide grants to communities directly impacted by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, as well as other disasters declared in 2017. This funding will support immediate relief efforts and long-term recovery projects, including repairing and replacing basic infrastructure needs that are vital for local economic recovery
  • $200 million for Fisheries Data Assistance (Note: Florida’s fisheries disaster request for Hurricane Irma is still pending with the Department of Commerce)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

  • $81 million to repair facilities damaged at NASA’s Kennedy and Johnson Space Centers

Department of Homeland Security – $24.7 billion

  • Funding for the Disaster Relief Fund to support response and recovery efforts to support Florida and Puerto Rico
  • Funding to address damages to CBP facilities resulting from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria
  • Funding to repair and restore the San Juan Customs House, improve its functionality, and terminate costly temporary leases
  • Funding to repair ICE facilities in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Texas, and Florida that sustained water damage

Department of Housing and Urban Development – $28 billion

  • Funding for Community Development Block Grant Disaster Relief (CDBG-DR), at least $11 billion of which will go directly to Puerto Rico and USVI
  • Disaster Assistance Simplification Act, which will help victims of the natural disaster avoid being penalized for weighing all disaster assistance

Department of Transportation – $1.828 billion

  • Funding to replace Federal Aviation Administration’s equipment
  • Funding for Federal Highway Administration’s Emergency Relief program

Department of Education –  $2.7 billion

  • Funding for building and facility repairs and accommodating enrollment of displaced students
  • Funding for Higher Education Institutions that have taken in students from hurricane affected areas, such as Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Funding to assist students that became homeless because of the hurricanes

Department of Health and Human Services

  • Medicaid for Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI): $4.9 billion
  • For both Puerto Rico and USVI, there is a temporary 100% Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP)
  • Funding necessary for Florida’s hospitals to repair damage from the storm
  • Includes language modeled after Senator Rubio’s legislation to ensure that HHS has the necessary medical personnel needed to respond natural disasters

Department of Veterans Affairs – $93.5 million 

  • Includes funding to cover increased costs to maintain medical services and funding to repair damaged medical facilities in Florida and Puerto Rico
  • Includes funding to repair damages to the Puerto Rico National Cemetery

Department of Labor – $130.9 million

  • Funding necessary to rehabilitate and repair Job Corps Centers in Puerto Rico
  • Funding for disaster response economic recovery through the Dislocated Worker National Reserve

Small Business Administration – $1.65 billion

  • Funding for Small Business Disaster Loan Programs

Legal Services Corporation – $15 million

  • Funding to provide storm-related services to LSC client populations affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, as well as wildfires in 2017

Department of Defense (DOD) – $1.55 billion