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Senator Rubio Joins Fellow GOP Senators To Introduce Legislation Preventing Federal Funding Of Abortion In Health Law

May 4, 2011 | Blog

Senator Rubio joined with fellow GOP Senators to introduce legislation today that would prevent federal funds from being used to fund abortions. The Protect Life Act, introduced by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and others, would codify longstanding policy preventing taxpayer funding of abortion and apply it to the President’s health care law.

“While we will continue the important work of fighting to repeal ObamaCare, Senator Hatch’s bill is a common sense piece of legislation that clearly states that no taxpayer money should be used to fund abortion as part of the new health care law,” Senator Rubio said.

ObamaCare allows taxpayer-funded abortions through a myriad of policies and plans. Loopholes in the health care law allow substantial amounts of taxpayer dollars to evade the annual pro-life appropriations rider, known as the Hyde Amendment. Professionals and entities morally opposed to performing abortions are not fully protected under the health care law and may be vulnerable to discrimination.

That’s why this legislation is so important. The Protect Life Act guarantees that no taxpayer dollars flow to cover elective abortions by applying the longstanding policy of the Hyde Amendment to the new health care law and provides protections for health care providers who are opposed to abortions.