
Reinvigorating American Exceptionalism

America was founded in 1776 on the radical idea that all men are created equal and that our rights come from God, not government. Americans are the children of pilgrims, immigrants, and slaves. It is in our DNA to confront great challenges and achieve great things against great odds. Patriotism is the love of this national inheritance – not just the freedom and equality that our inheritance makes possible.
Unfortunately, we are in the midst of a decades-long effort to tear down our national identity, along with the institutions and values that once held our people together.
Senator Rubio meeting with local residents and community leaders
Senator Rubio speaking at U.S. Senate
Some of that is economic. There was a time when, to paraphrase Charles Wilson, what was good for big American companies was good for America. But the end of the Cold War and the rapid onset of globalization – a world without borders – broke that once deep connection. Many corporations and shareholders thrived by exporting labor, but many more American communities suffered. The drive for short-term profits led to the long-term decline of American communities and families.
There is also a cultural element. Fueled by a weakened economy and fractured communities, a new generation questioned the inherent good of our nation. Those questions, encouraged by ideological professors and exploitative politicians, now form the foundation of a major political movement in our nation.
Our nation cannot survive, let alone thrive, if our people don’t believe it is worth fighting for. We need a reinvigoration of patriotism at every level, from corporations down to elementary schools.
Senator Rubio meeting with local residents and community leaders

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