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Rubio, Colleagues Reintroduce Legislation to Rename Taiwan’s De Facto Diplomatic Outpost

May 10, 2023 | Press Releases

At a time when China’s genocidal regime actively bullies, undermines, and intimidates Taiwan worldwide, the United States should further strengthen its diplomatic partnership with Taiwan by renaming the nation’s de facto embassy.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) reintroduced the bipartisan and bicameral Taiwan Representative Office Act, which would direct the U.S. Secretary of State to enter into negotiations to rename the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) in Washington, D.C. to the “Taiwan Representative Office,” which better reflects its status as Taiwan’s de facto diplomatic mission to the United States. 

  • “Taiwan is an indispensable partner and an exemplary beacon of democracy in the Indo-Pacific region. I can think of no better way to recognize Taiwan’s contributions to global stability than by renaming their office in Washington, D.C., the seat of American democracy, to better reflect its actual purpose. At a time when the Chinese Communist Party actively intimidates and coerces Taiwan, the U.S. must make it clear that hostile powers have no right to claim sovereignty over democratic nations.” – Senator Rubio

U.S. Representatives John Curtis (R-UT) and Chris Pappas (D-NH) introduced companion legislation in the House. 

  • “It is long overdue to correctly name the de facto embassy of our longtime friend and ally, Taiwan, as the Taiwan Representative Office. We shouldn’t tolerate pressure from China to undermine the sovereignty of the Taiwanese people, which China is also attempting to do by pressuring Lithuania and our other allies. America should stand by our democratic allies, and always stand with our friends around the world facing pressure and coercion from authoritarian regimes.” – Congressman Curtis
  • “As Taiwan faces increasing threats to its security and sovereignty, we must continue to strengthen our diplomatic partnership with our democratic ally. This bipartisan legislation will properly recognize Taiwan’s de facto embassy to demonstrate our continued support. We must continue to stand with our democratic allies against authoritarian regimes and counter China’s attempts to intimidate and bully Taiwan and other countries.” – Congressman Pappas

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