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ICYMI: Rubio Exposes Wokeness in State Department, Military

Jun 20, 2023 | Press Releases

The Left’s civic religion is a threat to national security
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
June 20, 2023
Washington Examiner

This year’s Pride Month reveals more clearly than ever how wokeness undermines national institutions…. [T]his June, virtually every one of them will join in the rituals of the Left’s new civic religion, at the cost of their mission and strength.

I have been warning about this for years…. Our “Woke Warfighters” report cataloged the ways in which America’s armed forces have been infiltrated and undermined—not by enemy spies, but by a fanatical ideology at odds with the common defense and divorced from national security objectives…. 

Sadly, that [ideology] is also weakening the State Department. Last year, the U.S. funded a left-wing organization that supports prostitution in Colombia and hosted a film festival featuring incest and pedophilia in Portugal, all using taxpayer dollars and in the name of LGBT rights. Now, the State Department tells its employees that it will “reward good behavior that advances [diversity, equity, and inclusion] core values” with superior pay and assignments, and that employees who do not advance wokeness “in words and actions” will be denied promotion.

Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) and I have collected these examples and more and published them in a new report, called “‘Diversity’ over Diplomacy.” It is vital that the American public and American policymakers become aware of this insanity, because it is already harming our standing in the world….

[T]he more our government embraces left-wing nonsense and tries to export it across the globe, the more potential partners will turn to our adversaries in our stead. While the Biden administration offers climate grants and drag performances, Beijing promises easy money and no lectures on social engineering….

Read the rest here.