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Rubio Visits AMSkills in Clearwater, Florida

Yesterday, I visited AMSkills, a trade apprenticeship program in Clearwater, to hear from Floridians about their experiences in trade apprenticeship‎s. I stressed the necessity of reforming our higher education system and reiterated my efforts to promote higher...

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Rubio Visits AMSkills in Clearwater, Florida

Yesterday, I visited AMSkills, a trade apprenticeship program in Clearwater, to hear from Floridians about their experiences in trade apprenticeship‎s. I stressed the necessity of reforming our higher education system and reiterated my efforts to promote higher...

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Happy Fourth of July

On this Independence Day, I want to wish a safe and happy Fourth of July to the Floridians I have the honor of representing in Washington and to all Americans across the nation. As we gather with family and friends to celebrate our country’s independence,...

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