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Happy Easter

Rubio: “This Sunday, my wife Jeanette and our entire family will join our fellow Christians in Florida and around the world in celebrating Christ’s Resurrection and the salvation His sacrifice and unconditional love gave the world.” _x000D_

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The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act

As I have done each year since I have been in the United States Senate, today I filed the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA), which works to prevent abortions by minors by giving states the ability to enforce their parental notification and consent...

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My Statement On The FCC’s Net Neutrality Plan

Once again the FCC is trying to wedge an expansive government into more corners of the free market, this time through unnecessary and heavy-handed regulations on the Internet. What FCC Chairman Wheeler is proposing threatens to restrict Internet growth, increase costs...

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The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act

As I have done each year since I have been in the United States Senate, today I filed the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA), which works to prevent abortions by minors by giving states the ability to enforce their parental notification and consent...

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