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The Boston Marathon

In the past year, millions of Americans have competed in endurance events of varying distances and disciplines. I have always admired those who compete in endurance events. Today, as 36,000 runners take off from the starting line at the Boston Marathon, all Americans...

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The 53rd Anniversary of The Bay of Pigs

Today, we mark the 53rd anniversary of the Brigade 2506’s efforts to liberate Cuba from the clutches of a communist dictatorship that had just taken hold at the time. The men that formed the Brigade represented a cross section of the Cuban population. They were...

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The 53rd Anniversary of The Bay of Pigs

Today, we mark the 53rd anniversary of the Brigade 2506’s efforts to liberate Cuba from the clutches of a communist dictatorship that had just taken hold at the time. The men that formed the Brigade represented a cross section of the Cuban population. They were...

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Happy Passover

With the Festival of Passover upon us, I would like to express my best wishes to the Jewish community in Florida and around the world. This eight-day celebration, rich in history and tradition, commemorates the emancipation of Israelites from centuries of slavery in...

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Happy Passover

With the Festival of Passover upon us, I would like to express my best wishes to the Jewish community in Florida and around the world. This eight-day celebration, rich in history and tradition, commemorates the emancipation of Israelites from centuries of slavery in...

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My Vote On The Equal Pay Bill

People’s qualifications, performance and honesty are the most important qualities by which they should be judged in the workplace. If you’re a woman and your work merits it, you should be paid as an equal to your male counterparts. By the same token, if...

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