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My Vote On The Equal Pay Bill

People’s qualifications, performance and honesty are the most important qualities by which they should be judged in the workplace. If you’re a woman and your work merits it, you should be paid as an equal to your male counterparts. By the same token, if...

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My Vote On The Unemployment Insurance Bill

People in this country are hurting – and they expect solutions from their leaders that get Americans back to work and lift them from poverty, not measures that only cover the symptoms of joblessness. This proposal does nothing to address the problem at the...

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40th Anniversary of Hank Aaron’s Historic Home Run

Today we mark the 40th anniversary of a legendary American achievement: when Hank Aaron slammed a record-breaking 715th career home run over the wall in left-center field. I was too young to remember when it happened, but I was raised by a father and grandfather who...

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My Vote On The Unemployment Insurance Bill

People in this country are hurting – and they expect solutions from their leaders that get Americans back to work and lift them from poverty, not measures that only cover the symptoms of joblessness. This proposal does nothing to address the problem at the...

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40th Anniversary of Hank Aaron’s Historic Home Run

Today we mark the 40th anniversary of a legendary American achievement: when Hank Aaron slammed a record-breaking 715th career home run over the wall in left-center field. I was too young to remember when it happened, but I was raised by a father and grandfather who...

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Anniversary of the Kermit Gosnell Trial

As we reflect back on the trial of Kermit Gosnell, which began one year ago this week, let us redouble our commitment to ensuring that the horrors committed in that Philadelphia clinic are never possible in America again. Kermit Gosnell violated nearly every law...

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