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Anniversary of the Kermit Gosnell Trial

As we reflect back on the trial of Kermit Gosnell, which began one year ago this week, let us redouble our commitment to ensuring that the horrors committed in that Philadelphia clinic are never possible in America again. Kermit Gosnell violated nearly every law...

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A Way Forward After Three Years Of the Syrian Crisis

On this third anniversary of the start of the conflict in Syria, we remember the 140,000 Syrians who have lost their lives, and we pray for those still living through this ongoing nightmare.  Three years ago this week, the Syrian people took to the streets to...

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A Way Forward After Three Years Of the Syrian Crisis

On this third anniversary of the start of the conflict in Syria, we remember the 140,000 Syrians who have lost their lives, and we pray for those still living through this ongoing nightmare.  Three years ago this week, the Syrian people took to the streets to...

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Sexual Assaults in the Military

For months, I’ve closely studied the issue of how to address and stop sexual assaults in the military. My office and I have held dozens of formal meetings and calls with active duty service women and men, victims and military leaders, among others. When...

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Sexual Assaults in the Military

For months, I’ve closely studied the issue of how to address and stop sexual assaults in the military. My office and I have held dozens of formal meetings and calls with active duty service women and men, victims and military leaders, among others. When...

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My Vote On The Military Retirement Pay Bill

I voted for the Military Retirement Pay Bill because, while not perfect, it does restore a promise made long ago to millions of veterans and active duty personnel regarding pensions for retirees.  But I think it is really shameful how Senate Democrats keep...

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