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Independence Day

This July 4th, I wish our great nation a happy 237th birthday. As we celebrate this holiday, I share with you time-tested words from our Declaration of Independence:

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Independence Day

This July 4th, I wish our great nation a happy 237th birthday. As we celebrate this holiday, I share with you time-tested words from our Declaration of Independence:

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Obama’s Environmental Agenda A Job-Killer

President Obama has again realized he can’t convince the American people about the merits of his big government agenda and will do what he does best: run roughshod over our Constitution and now try to impose his job-killing environmental agenda by executive order.

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Obama’s Environmental Agenda A Job-Killer

President Obama has again realized he can’t convince the American people about the merits of his big government agenda and will do what he does best: run roughshod over our Constitution and now try to impose his job-killing environmental agenda by executive order.

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