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Rubio Responds to Letter From Colleagues On Immigration Reform

I have received your timely letter regarding recent immigration reform efforts. I appreciate your interest in this important issue and I share your position about the need for a robust and public debate. As you know, I have been forceful and clear in my position that the Judiciary Committee hold multiple hearings on the topic and be given ample time to consider any immigration proposal. This is a position I reiterated last weekend in a letter to Chairman Patrick Leahy, which I have attached for your reference.

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Happy Easter

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released the following statement wishing fellow Christians in Florida and around the world a Happy Easter:

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Happy Easter

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released the following statement wishing fellow Christians in Florida and around the world a Happy Easter:

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Washington, D.C. Office Closure

Due to Winter Storm Saturn, our Washington, D.C. office will be closed today, Wednesday, March 6. If you need immediate assistance, please call our Orlando office at (407) 254-2573.

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