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We Must Repeal ObamaCare

Now that several of ObamaCare’s big tax provisions took effect this month, we are seeing more evidence of why it will prove to be one of the most economically destructive laws in American history. In fact, even before its implementation, it was already wreaking havoc on American businesses, entrepreneurs, and workers by casting a cloud of uncertainty over the American economy.

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We Must Repeal ObamaCare

Now that several of ObamaCare’s big tax provisions took effect this month, we are seeing more evidence of why it will prove to be one of the most economically destructive laws in American history. In fact, even before its implementation, it was already wreaking havoc on American businesses, entrepreneurs, and workers by casting a cloud of uncertainty over the American economy.

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School Choice Week

School Choice Week is a time for Americans to consider their priorities when it comes to education. The vast majority of Americans would like an education system that places the interests of students and their parents above all else.

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