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Looking Back On 2012

With 2013 now officially underway, I’d like to thank you for entrusting me with the great honor of serving you in the United States Senate last year.

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An Update on Jon Hammar’s Case

I’m pleased that Jon Hammar is being returned safely to the U.S., and I appreciate the Mexican government’s attention to this case and its actions allowing Mr. Hammar to return home to his family in time for Christmas.

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An Update on Jon Hammar’s Case

I’m pleased that Jon Hammar is being returned safely to the U.S., and I appreciate the Mexican government’s attention to this case and its actions allowing Mr. Hammar to return home to his family in time for Christmas.

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Protecting Internet Freedom

Earlier today, I had a chance to meet with Terry Kramer, the U.S. ambassador to the recently concluded World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT), and thank him for his work at WCIT and for his commitment to Internet freedom.

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