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Rubio Achievements for Florida in 2018 Spending Bill

 Preliminary numbers courtesy of Senate Appropriations Committee. Member Subcomm. Agency Provision/Funding Rubio AG ARS Maintains language for facility lease agreements Rubio AG ARS Retains report language on Citrus Greening Disease Research Rubio AG ARS $32.5...

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What Florida Can Expect to See from the Budget Deal

Department of Agriculture $2.36 billion for crop disasters as a result of hurricanes and wildfires in 2017 to remain available through 2019 $22 million to repair damages to Agricultural Research Service (ARS) facilities, including four in Florida: Canal Point, Miami,...

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What Florida Can Expect to See from the Budget Deal

Department of Agriculture $2.36 billion for crop disasters as a result of hurricanes and wildfires in 2017 to remain available through 2019 $22 million to repair damages to Agricultural Research Service (ARS) facilities, including four in Florida: Canal Point, Miami,...

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Rubio Response to the Miami Herald

“Last night I terminated the employment of my Chief of Staff after personally receiving a complaint about his conduct, and thereafter coming into possession of clear and irrefutable evidence of workplace misconduct and harassment. It was the express wish of...

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Rubio Response to the Miami Herald

“Last night I terminated the employment of my Chief of Staff after personally receiving a complaint about his conduct, and thereafter coming into possession of clear and irrefutable evidence of workplace misconduct and harassment. It was the express wish of...

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Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is an opportunity to appreciate, with our families and friends, the unlimited opportunities and promise America has to offer. This land is the greatest nation mankind has ever known, in part because it was founded to protect the inalienable rights...

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