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Hurricane Sandy Office Closure

Due to Hurricane Sandy, our Washington, D.C. office will be closed today, Tuesday, October 30. If you need immediate assistance, please call our Orlando office at (407) 254-2573.

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Republican Senators Ask For Answers on Libya Leaks

Senator Rubio joined his Republican colleagues on the Senate Intelligence Committee in a letter to the President inquiring about the leaks to the media by “administration officials” regarding potential covert, retaliatory strikes in Libya.

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Republican Senators Ask For Answers on Libya Leaks

Senator Rubio joined his Republican colleagues on the Senate Intelligence Committee in a letter to the President inquiring about the leaks to the media by “administration officials” regarding potential covert, retaliatory strikes in Libya.

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Senator Rubio Comments on Cuba’s Travel Reform

The Castro regime will continue to pick and choose which of its citizens can enter and exit their own country. Such restrictions are against international law, as specified in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. This is simply a “bait and switch” distraction.

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Senator Rubio Comments on Cuba’s Travel Reform

The Castro regime will continue to pick and choose which of its citizens can enter and exit their own country. Such restrictions are against international law, as specified in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. This is simply a “bait and switch” distraction.

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Rubio Raises Awareness for Human Trafficking at Miami Victim Center

At the event, Rubio highlighted several of his legislative efforts in the fight against human trafficking, urging Congress to re-authorize the Trafficking Victims Protection Act and pass the End Trafficking in Government Contracting Act of 2012, a bill he and his colleagues introduced earlier this year. Rubio also reiterated the importance of demanding action from Village Voice Media executives.

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