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Rubio Raises Awareness for Human Trafficking at Miami Victim Center

At the event, Rubio highlighted several of his legislative efforts in the fight against human trafficking, urging Congress to re-authorize the Trafficking Victims Protection Act and pass the End Trafficking in Government Contracting Act of 2012, a bill he and his colleagues introduced earlier this year. Rubio also reiterated the importance of demanding action from Village Voice Media executives.

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Senator Rubio Marks the Beginning of Yom Kippur

This evening marks the beginning of one of the holiest days of the year for those of the Jewish faith. Yom Kippur is a time of deep prayer and repentance, but also of family and quiet fellowship. It is my prayer that our Jewish friends and neighbors feel God’s many blessings as they honor this sacred time of spiritual atonement and renewal._x000D_

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Senator Rubio Marks the Beginning of Yom Kippur

This evening marks the beginning of one of the holiest days of the year for those of the Jewish faith. Yom Kippur is a time of deep prayer and repentance, but also of family and quiet fellowship. It is my prayer that our Jewish friends and neighbors feel God’s many blessings as they honor this sacred time of spiritual atonement and renewal._x000D_

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Today’s Vote On Foreign Aid

In every region of the world, the United States should search for ways to use foreign aid and humanitarian assistance to strengthen our influence, the effectiveness of our leadership, and the service of our national interests and ideals.

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Today’s Vote On Foreign Aid

In every region of the world, the United States should search for ways to use foreign aid and humanitarian assistance to strengthen our influence, the effectiveness of our leadership, and the service of our national interests and ideals.

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