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Newly Sponsored Legislation

Senator Rubio is an original co-sponsor of S.RES.551, a resolution honoring the four American public servants who were killed in Benghazi, Libya, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, and formally condemning the terrorist attack on our consulate.

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Senator Rubio on the Anniversary of September 11th

Today, my thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorists attacks against our nation. As Americans, we will never forget those who were lost and will always remember the heroic efforts of our first responders and fellow citizens who risked, and many of whom sacrificed, their lives while attempting to save others.

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Senator Rubio on the Anniversary of September 11th

Today, my thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorists attacks against our nation. As Americans, we will never forget those who were lost and will always remember the heroic efforts of our first responders and fellow citizens who risked, and many of whom sacrificed, their lives while attempting to save others.

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Hurricane Season Preparedness

As hurricane season is in full swing, we wanted to take a moment to share information about hurricane preparedness and other useful resources if a hurricane does hit Florida.

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