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Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is an opportunity to appreciate, with our families and friends, the unlimited opportunities and promise America has to offer. This land is the greatest nation mankind has ever known, in part because it was founded to protect the inalienable rights...

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La recuperación de Puerto Rico

Mientras Puerto Rico se recupera después del Huracán Maria, mi oficina está dispuesta a ayudar a todos en Puerto Rico. Para solicitar asistencia directa, envie un correo electrónico a Click here for English.  Para...

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Helping Puerto Ricans Recover from Hurricane Maria

As Puerto Rico begins to recover from the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria, my Senate office stands ready to serve you and our fellow Americans on the island. For direct assistance from our office, you can email us at Para español, haga...

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La recuperación de Puerto Rico

Mientras Puerto Rico se recupera después del Huracán Maria, mi oficina está dispuesta a ayudar a todos en Puerto Rico. Para solicitar asistencia directa, envie un correo electrónico a Click here for English.  Para...

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Helping Puerto Ricans Recover from Hurricane Maria

As Puerto Rico begins to recover from the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria, my Senate office stands ready to serve you and our fellow Americans on the island. For direct assistance from our office, you can email us at Para español, haga...

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Yom Kippur 2017 Message

From Friday evening to Saturday evening, the Jewish community will join together again to observe Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year for the Jewish community. As Jewish people around the world pray and repent on this sacred Day of Atonement, I hope they find...

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