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Newly Sponsored Legislation

Senator Rubio is an original co-sponsor of S.RES.525, a resolution honoring the life and legacy of Cuban dissident Oswaldo Payá Sardinas, who was killed in a car accident on July 22.

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The Passing of Dr. Sally Ride

My wife Jeanette and I send our thoughts and prayers to Dr. Ride’s family and friends. We hope they find comfort and peace in God’s love at this difficult time.

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Newly Sponsored Legislation

Senator Rubio is an original co-sponsor of S.3420, a bill to make the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts permanent. Making these tax cuts permanent is an important step toward getting our economy back on the right track.

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Newly Sponsored Legislation

Senator Rubio is an original co-sponsor of S.3420, a bill to make the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts permanent. Making these tax cuts permanent is an important step toward getting our economy back on the right track.

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The Passing of Dr. Sally Ride

My wife Jeanette and I send our thoughts and prayers to Dr. Ride’s family and friends. We hope they find comfort and peace in God’s love at this difficult time.

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