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Senator Marco Rubio’s Father’s Day Message

I want to take this opportunity to congratulate all the fathers across the State of Florida and the country for the important role that they play. I lost my father almost two years ago, but with every day that goes by, I learn more and more about how important an influence he has been in my life.

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Senator Marco Rubio’s Father’s Day Message

I want to take this opportunity to congratulate all the fathers across the State of Florida and the country for the important role that they play. I lost my father almost two years ago, but with every day that goes by, I learn more and more about how important an influence he has been in my life.

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Co-Sponsored Legislation

Senator Rubio is an original co-sponsor of S.RES.489, a resolution that calls for the appointment of an outside special counsel to investigate the recent national security leaks from the Obama administration. The recent leaks of classified and highly sensitive information on US intelligence operations present a grave threat to our nation’s national security interests.

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Celebrating the U.S. Army’s 237th Birthday

Two-hundred and thirty-seven years ago today, the Army of the United States was officially formed to defend our fledgling country from Britain’s advancing force of seasoned regulars. Our first commander-in-chief, General George Washington, took command of this...

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Co-Sponsored Legislation

Senator Rubio is an original co-sponsor of S.RES.489, a resolution that calls for the appointment of an outside special counsel to investigate the recent national security leaks from the Obama administration. The recent leaks of classified and highly sensitive information on US intelligence operations present a grave threat to our nation’s national security interests.

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Celebrating the U.S. Army’s 237th Birthday

Two-hundred and thirty-seven years ago today, the Army of the United States was officially formed to defend our fledgling country from Britain’s advancing force of seasoned regulars. Our first commander-in-chief, General George Washington, took command of this...

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