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Dignified Burial of Veterans Act

To stop this from happening again Senator Marco Rubio cosponsored a bipartisan bill, the Dignified Burial of Veterans Act of 2012, to ensure veterans without known next of kin are provided with a proper burial. ABC Orlando reported from the Florida National Cemetery’s Memorial Day service this weekend:

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Dignified Burial of Veterans Act

To stop this from happening again Senator Marco Rubio cosponsored a bipartisan bill, the Dignified Burial of Veterans Act of 2012, to ensure veterans without known next of kin are provided with a proper burial. ABC Orlando reported from the Florida National Cemetery’s Memorial Day service this weekend:

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Commemorating Memorial Day

This Memorial Day, I join my fellow Floridians in celebrating the bravery and heroism of our servicemen and women, both past and present, who honorably answer the call in defense of liberty. For me it is a distinct honor to work in the Senate on behalf of all of our veterans who today continue the legacy of those we have lost.

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Commemorating Memorial Day

This Memorial Day, I join my fellow Floridians in celebrating the bravery and heroism of our servicemen and women, both past and present, who honorably answer the call in defense of liberty. For me it is a distinct honor to work in the Senate on behalf of all of our veterans who today continue the legacy of those we have lost.

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National Small Business Week

There is one thing that every great American company has in common: each began as a small business. Starting a small business in America means you are willing to risk whatever money you can cobble together from your life savings or maxing out a credit card to pursue your dream.

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National Small Business Week

There is one thing that every great American company has in common: each began as a small business. Starting a small business in America means you are willing to risk whatever money you can cobble together from your life savings or maxing out a credit card to pursue your dream.

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