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Asia Needs a Strong U.S.-Japan Alliance

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit to the United States this week highlights the potential of a new age of peace and prosperity in Asia. Under his leadership, Japan is revising its defense policies to become a more robust contributor to security in East...

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A Step Toward Freedom: Reduce the Number of Crimes

… John Yates going to jail for red grouper highlights a fundamental problem in American criminal law today. Lawmakers have increasingly turned to criminal law as a form of regulation. Recklessly passed, duplicative, conflicting, and vague laws have turned...

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Hubble’s achievements only a beginning

… Hubble is a testament to the spirit of discovery that marked the century behind us, and a challenge for us in the century ahead. President John F. Kennedy once said of space, "[T]his is the new ocean, and I believe the United States must sail on it and be in...

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