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Senator Rubio Advances Reform Ideas About Higher Ed

Most politicians are happy to go into the cheerleading mode whenever the subject is education. Just say how crucial education is for Americans, that we must have more “access” and forget about all unpleasant trade-offs. One politician who is not just a...

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Rubio: How to Fight Human Trafficking

Each day, innocent people are being trafficked in Florida, across the U.S. and around the world. It’s hard to imagine slavery like this still exists today, but it does. Fortunately, greater public awareness and improved law-enforcement efforts have helped combat...

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Marco Rubio and the Real Beginning of 2016

… What I found most appealing about Rubio’s address is that he didn’t argue that we need government to be more generous without explaing where the money will come from; rather, he touched on the structural forces that are putting low- and mid-skill...

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Rubio: My three part plan for the post-ObamaCare era

Five years ago, President Obama and Congressional Democrats disregarded both the Constitution and the opinion of the American people when they enacted ObamaCare.  Since then, Americans have seen the law transition from political to personal. Many have lost access...

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