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Rubio: Stop ISIS terrorists now, before it’s too late

As the terrorist group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) continues to capture and control more territory in Iraq and Syria, it is important to realize what is at stake in the region and for the American people. The challenge that ISIS poses is not just to...

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Rubio: A Victory for Oppression

The announcement by President Obama on Wednesday giving the Castro regime diplomatic legitimacy and access to American dollars isn’t just bad for the oppressed Cuban people, or for the millions who live in exile and lost everything at the hands of the...

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Editorial: Our Take: Oysters Rubio

… But this week, Rubio will show leadership on an issue every Floridian should rally behind: the future of our prized oyster industry. Rubio, a member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, has arranged a field hearing today in...

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