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Rubio: We Have Let the Chinese People Down

In early May, more than a dozen people gathered in a private home in China to discuss an event that occurred 25 years ago today. Days later, police questioned many of the attendees, formally arresting five of them under the charge of “creating a public...

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Rubio: POW Swap Endangers Americans

Last month, the National September 11 Memorial and Museum opened its doors at Ground Zero in New York. Lost in the solemn remembrances of that day was the fact that America remains at war. Every day, those affiliated with the terrorists who committed the atrocities 13...

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Once more, Rubio’s timing exquisite

… From his arrival in the Legislature at the precise moment Tallahassee began cranking out Speaker-designates in their 20s to his exquisite ambush of a then-popular governor in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate to his runaway victory in 2010 just as...

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