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Rubio, Kirk: Iran’s Horrific Human-Rights Record

On October 25, 2014, days after President Obama reportedly sent a secret letter to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei offering regional security cooperation in return for Tehran’s acceptance of an elusive nuclear deal, Iran hanged Reyhaneh Jabbari, a...

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Rubio: 5 steps to beat Ebola

… The United States is the country best equipped with the resources and power to tackle the medical and logistical nightmare that the Ebola epidemic has become. With over 8,000 people infected, more than 4,000 dead and infection rates increasing, this outbreak...

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Rubio: Combating sexual assault on campuses

Every American will need access to some form of higher education in the 21st century. Ensuring this is possible will require lowering costs, expanding options and changing the way students pay for degrees. But these reforms will be of little use if students...

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Rubio: One Nation, Under God

At practically all levels of government, dysfunction is an all too familiar reality. Nowhere is this more obvious to the American people than in what they see happening in Washington day after day. Yet, despite the often contentious and divisive debates that take...

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Rubio: Cuba taking advantage of U.S.

In “The Godfather Part II,” Michael Corleone famously responds to a U.S. senator’s demands by saying, “My offer is this: nothing.” Since President Barack Obama announced his normalization deal with the Cuban regime in December, life...

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The Next Conservative Tax Reform

The important conversation that conservatives have been having in recent months about tax reform has been seen both by some participants in it and by some outside observers as involving a kind of choice between an emphasis on overall economic growth and an emphasis on...

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