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Rubio Tours Middle East, Warns of ISIS Threat

Marco Rubio, who sits on  the Foreign Relations Committee and the Select Committee on Intelligence, is in the Middle East this week, weighing in on military operations  as Islamic State (ISIS) terrorism continues to upend the region.  Rubio went to...

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Marco Rubio Visit All About Everglades, Sugar Friday

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio toured the South Florida Water Management District headquarters in West Palm Beach on Friday morning.  The Republican met with staff and water managers to discuss Lake Okeechobee discharges into the St. Lucie River and Indian River Lagoon,...

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Townhall: Marco Rubio: Obama’s Cuba Trip Is A Disgrace

On Sunday, President Obama and his family arrived in Cuba for the first presidential visit to the country in 88 years. Ahead of the visit, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), the son of Cuban immigrants, took to Facebook to explain why he feels as though the visit is "one of the...

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