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Rubio: Obama should rethink ‘dangerous’ Cuba trip

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) is pushing President Obama to cancel his trip to Cuba, suggesting that the administration is rewarding the country's bad behavior with a presidential visit.  "I urge you to reconsider visiting Cuba and instead insist that the Castro...

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Rubio backs bill to curb drug abuse

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) is signing on to a bill to combat drug abuse as the issue has spilled over into the 2016 election.  The Florida Republican, who is running for president, said Monday that he is supporting a bipartisan bill from Sens. Sheldon...

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Sen. Marco Rubio invites Oviedo native to SOTU

OVIEDO, Fla. —An Oviedo native whose father was killed in the line of duty as an Army reservist was chosen to be Sen. Marco Rubio’s special guest at the State of the Union address on Tuesday, Channel 9 learned. Conner MacFarlane grew up in Oviedo and...

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