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Delaware Online: Joint Coons-Rubio Bill Shows What Can Be Done

Nov 18, 2011 | News

Who says bipartisan compromise is impossible?
Two freshman senators don’t think so. Chris Coons of Delaware and Marco Rubio of Florida have bridged the gap between Senate Democrats and Republicans to propose an admittedly small-scale but doable jobs bill.
They have taken some of the best bipartisan ideas for tax and regulation relief put forth by their colleagues in the House and Senate and put them in a single bill that has the look of a winner. It won’t solve all of our problems, but it would be a good start.
Their philosophy is simple:
Why not act on the things they agree on?
Democrat Coons and Republican Rubio recognize that the partisan differences in Congress are wide. But the continuing problem of unemployment — 14 million Americans out of work — should force Congress to put aside the squabbling to pass proposals they already agree on.

Read the full story here.