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Rubio Honors American Veterans

Nov 10, 2023 | Comunicados de Prensa

Ahead of Veterans’ Day, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released a statement in gratitude and honor of America’s veterans. 

  • “On Veterans’ Day, our nation stands united in honor of those who have answered the call of duty and demonstrated unwavering dedication to the United States. Their sacrifices, both seen and unseen, have secured the precious gift of freedom for us all.
  • “Beyond the uniform, our heroes walk amongst us daily, exemplifying courage, resilience, and a steadfast commitment to the principles that bind us as a nation. In Florida alone, over 1.5 million veterans have contributed to our nation’s history. Today, let us be reminded that every day is an opportunity to express our gratitude to those who have served. To all the veterans in Florida and across the nation, we extend our deepest thanks and appreciation.” – senador Rubio

Rubio has, and continues, to work on helping veterans exposed to toxic burn pits, holding the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) accountable, and providing resources for veterans’ transition and education post-service.

  • Rubio’s legislation to help veterans who were exposed to toxic burn pits obtain benefits from the VA became law in 2022. This landmark law cut red tape for veterans across the nation.
  • Not only did Rubio lead the effort, but he continues to hold the VA accountable to ensure proper implementation of the PACT Act. In a recent letter to the VA, he highlighted the historic law’s impact on veterans and survivors thus far and urged improvement in implementation.
  • In response to reports this past April that the Biden Administration would ignore provisions enacted as part of the 2017 law, Rubio demanded that the VA provide the best possible experience and hold bad actors accountable. In June, Rubio joined colleagues in introducing the Restore Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability Act to close loopholes and uphold congressional intent of his 2017 law.