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ICYMI: Rubio Joins Your World with Neil Cavuto

Feb 9, 2024 | Comunicados de Prensa

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Your World with Neil Cavuto to discuss the migration crisis and the dangers of prioritizing the security of foreign nations before our own. See below for highlights and watch the full interview on YouTube y Rumble.

On the importance of securing the U.S. border before giving foreign aid: 

“I’m very close to the Venezuelan migrant community that have been coming here [to the United States]. Over seven million have left Venezuela, not all to the U.S. They’ve been telling me, for a year now, that a lot of the people coming [show] clear signs of gang activity, that they recognize these criminal gangs from back in their time in Venezuela. I didn’t know what to make of it at the time. Now, I see exactly what they’re talking about. 

“And it’s not just Venezuelan migrants…. 3.3 million people came to this country illegally and were released. Over 600,000 of them had criminal records or pending criminal records. And there were others that had no records and are criminals. You’re seeing it play out now. All of it because Joe Biden became the first president in American history to decide that we would no longer detain single adults crossing our border, that it would be inhumane to do it. 

“I think a lot of Americans would rather help Ukraine and see Putin lose. But how can we not take care of our problems first? How can we not focus on the invasion of America first? Why are we not staying here this weekend to fight and argue over how best to stop this? By the way, we don’t need legislation. The president could do it, because he created this through his own executive actions. That’s been my argument. It reflects what I think most people in the real world would say, and that is, ‘Before we help others, we have to help ourselves.’ If we’re unstable at home, what good are we to our allies or anyone else around the world?”

On the truth about the border “deal”: 

“[Democrats] are going around telling people this was the best border security bill ever, and maybe they believe that. I know immigration law, and I know what it means. I can’t vote for a deal that creates an asylum corps, where they’re going to have thousands of bureaucrats go to the border and basically be empowered to release people at the border with an immediate work permit—today, they have to wait six months—or in some cases, grant them asylum. 

“People [need to] realize what asylum means. Asylum means you are on a five-year clock to becoming a citizen and a voter, and that’s why they inserted that in there, because that’s what they want. They want more voters. They want more citizens that will thank them for letting them into the country. And that’s only going to cause more people to come. You talk about an incentive for migration! You’re going to have 400,000 or 500,000 a month coming in if we do that. 

“That’s just one aspect of that deal. But the immigration law hasn’t changed. We have the same law today that we did in December of 2019, before all of this craziness really began. The difference is, Joe Biden ordered his agencies to turn the narrow exceptions for humanitarian release into the rule. He let exceptions become the rule. Today, we basically release 85% of people who cross the border illegally, including people with criminal records, including people whose identities are unknown.”

On the Robert Hur report regarding President Biden’s crime and withering memory:

“The report found every element of a crime. In fact, it said it was intentional, and he knew what he was doing. What it said, even though all the elements of the crime exist, was: ‘We’re going to use prosecutorial discretion and not prosecute, because by the time he’s no longer president, he might be an 85-year-old man. Even now, based on our interviews, he looks like a nice old man who suffers from memory problems. We don’t think we’re going to be able to get a jury to convict him, so we believe we shouldn’t go forward with charges, even though the element of the crime has been met.’ 

“I can’t assess the president other than what I see publicly and what others have seen. But the biggest problem here…is that that report is also being read in Beijing, in Tehran, in Moscow, and it’s being read by these terrorists hiding out in their little caves. It may incite them or invite them to take action against this country. It puts our country in danger. No one’s talking about that piece of it. 

“Then there’s embedded hypocrisy here. I guess the only special prosecutors we are allowed to attack are those that go after Trump. But if they go after Biden, then they can say anything they want about the special prosecutor—appointed by Merrick Garland, by the way. I have no problem with prosecutorial discretion, but it has to be fair.”