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Rubio, Warner, Colleagues  Introduce Legislation to Improve Information Sharing Between Intelligence Community and U.S. Companies

Mar 14, 2024 | Comunicados de Prensa

Last year, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Vice Chairman Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA) hosted government officials and domestic industry leaders for a roundtable discussion on access to critical minerals. During that roundtable, industry leaders asked for more robust government support identifying unfair and corrupt practices by foreign adversaries. 

Vice Chairman Rubio, Chairman Warner, and colleagues introduced a bill directing the Director of National Intelligence to create a strategy for information sharing on foreign adversaries’ tactics and illicit activities to spread disinformation, steal intellectual property, and use other illegal efforts to undermine U.S. interests abroad as related to critical minerals. The legislation clarifies that the exchange of information would be voluntary, and at the discretion of the Intelligence Community and U.S. companies.

  • “At a time when foreign adversaries continue to undermine our national security interests, we must enhance the sharing of information in the critical mineral sector. This bipartisan and bicameral bill will enhance intelligence community efforts to share timely and critical information with the private sector on the pressing threats to American companies in the critical energy sectors.” – senador Rubio
  • “American companies have been working to invest in critical minerals projects in the U.S. and abroad in order to reduce our country’s dependence on China and meet the increasing demand for these minerals, which are critical for technologies across society. Our foreign adversaries, in particular the PRC, are increasing malicious efforts to undermine U.S. attempts to dominate in this industry. Increasing collaboration between the IC and these companies is a strong step towards ensuring that our adversaries will not succeed in interfering with U.S. projects abroad, and instead help cultivate strong public-private partnerships that will boost U.S. businesses and interests, particularly in areas of technology critical to our national security.” – Senator Warner

Rubio and Warner were joined by U.S. Representatives Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), Rob Wittman (R-VA) and Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA). 

  • “American companies must be able to invest and compete in foreign markets without undue interference from foreign adversaries. The bipartisan Enhancing Public-Private Sharing on Manipulative Adversary Practices in Critical Minerals Projects Act will help protect American businesses in international critical minerals markets from the illicit tactics of foreign adversaries, such as the CCP. Securing our supply chains for critical minerals independent of the PRC is essential to our national security, our transition to a clean energy economy, and the competitiveness of American businesses abroad.” – Congressman Krishnamoorthi
  • “Unsurprisingly, the Chinese Communist Party is actively trying to undermine U.S. companies pursuing critical mineral projects by spreading disinformation and propaganda. As a senior member of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, I am proud to join my colleagues to introduce the bipartisan Public-Private Manipulative Practices Act to enable the U.S. government to more effectively partner with American companies to counter illicit activities from all foreign adversaries that seek to restrict our access to the world’s critical mineral supply.” – Congressman Wittman
  • “In recent years, foreign adversaries have targeted U.S. companies attempting to procure critical minerals abroad through illicit or deceptive disinformation campaigns, malicious activity, and other forms of economic espionage. Our foreign adversaries want the U.S. and our national security to continue to be dependent on foreign supply chains. That’s bad for our national security and bad for business. One of the impacts to the U.S. is especially problematic — issues accessing critical minerals and developing secure supply chains we need for energy and storage. Passing this bill is crucial to protecting American businesses from spying and other harmful activities, and I’m glad to see it has broad bipartisan support. Our intelligence agencies and the government must work together to ensure our national security is strong, and American companies can get the critical minerals they need from overseas.” – Congresswoman Houlahan

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