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Rubio Joins Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Primetime

Jan 27, 2021 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Primetime to discuss the need to open schools and how the Biden Administration will handle China and the demands from the radical left.
See below for highlights and watch the video here

On concerns with President Joe Biden’s nominee for Ambassador to the U.N., Linda Thomas-Greenfield: 
“The first, it doesn’t make any sense to me that she could not have known what a Confucius Institute was or what they did. The second, that she at any point in her career thought that China could be a force for the rule of law and good governance. And the third is that she refused to say that what is happening with the Uyghur Muslims is genocide, and says that she has to review it. To me, that is code for ‘no, but I want to get confirmed.’ …
“We do have this element in this country that believes that China is someone we can work with. Or worse, that the natural order of things is that China is ascendant and we are descendants, and we should make room and space for them to become the dominant power.” 
On the Biden Administration catering to the wishlist of the radical Left: 
“I am very concerned about the policies because they sound like a checklist for all the dreams of the radical left that are being put in place by executive order.” 
On teachers’ unions keeping schools from reopening: 
“There shouldn’t be any federal taxpayer money of Covid relief going to schools that aren’t open. The purpose of the money is to open the schools. If the schools aren’t going to open, we shouldn’t send you the money.”