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VIDEO: Rubio Celebrates Senate Passage To Award Borinqueneers With Congressional Gold Medal (English & Español)

May 23, 2014 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. – Just in time for Memorial Day, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement today celebrating the Senate’s passage of S. 1174, a bill to award the 65th Infantry Regiment “Borinqueneers” with the Congressional Gold Medal. The bill will now go to President Obama for his signature, since the U.S. House of Representatives passed companion legislation earlier this week.

The Borinqueneers were a segregated Hispanic unit, comprised of mostly Puerto Rican soldiers, who were not given the same benefits and honors awarded to other soldiers despite their service in World War I, World War II and the Korean War. Rubio joins the many Borinqueneers and their families in celebrating this long overdue recognition.

El texto de la carta en inglés está English y Spanish statements are available on YouTube. For television stations interested in airing a broadcast quality version of these statements, the videos are both available here.

Rubio Celebrates Senate Vote To Award Borinqueneers With Congressional Gold Medal

“A long overdue tribute to the 65th Infantry Regiment Borinqueneers is finally going to be reality. The Borinqueneers are heroes, and I’m proud to have played a role in making sure Congress finally gives them their due by awarding them the Congressional Gold Medal.

“Puerto Ricans have long served America’s armed forces courageously and with distinction, and they continue to do so today. But the Borinqueneers will forever occupy a unique place in our history as the only Hispanic segregated unit to fight in three wars. They helped change not only U.S. history, but the history of the world.

“Many Borinqueneers and their families now call Florida home, and I join them – and Puerto Ricans everywhere – in celebrating the Borinqueneers.”

Rubio Celebra Los Borinqueneers

“Finalmente, esta nación le rendirá tributo a los héroes de los Borinqueneers – como se lo merecen.

“Los Borinqueneers son héroes, y yo me siento orgulloso de haber participado en asegurar que el Congreso finalmente le conceda la Medalla de Oro del Congreso.

“Por mucho tiempo, los puertorriqueños han servido en nuestras fuerzas armadas valiosamente y con distinción.  Y lo siguen haciendo hoy. Pero los Borinqueneers siempre ocuparan un espacio importante en nuestra historia como el único pelotón de hispanos que ha luchado en tres guerras. Los Borinqueneers no solamente cambiaron la historia de Estados Unidos, sino también del mundo entero.

“Actualmente, tenemos a muchos Borinqueneers y sus familias viviendo en la Florida, y es un honor representarlos. Me uno a ellos  y a toda la comunidad puertorriqueña en celebrar a los Borinqueneers”.