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Rubio Announces Support for John Kelly as Next Homeland Security Secretary

Jan 19, 2017 | Comunicados de Prensa

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement today announcing his support for retired General John Kelly as America’s next secretary of homeland security, a nomination the Senate is expected to consider tomorrow:

“With over four decades of service in the military, including as the former commander of U.S. Southern Command in Florida, General Kelly’s knowledge and expertise make him an excellent choice to serve as secretary of homeland security. As he works to guard our nation against cyberattacks, violent extremism and other serious threats, I’m hopeful we can finally secure our borders, stop visa overstays, enforce our immigration laws fairly and humanely, and modernize our legal immigration system. I stand ready to work closely with him in pursuit of these important goals.”